
翡翠 钻石排行榜 341 0

  Petra Diamonds announced its discovery of what may very well be the largest blue diamond to ever be unearthed at the Cullinan mine in South Africa.


  It is the size of a strawberry and weighs a bit less than three pound coins.


  But if you had this rare blue beauty in your pocket you would be carrying around a diamond that could be worth more than £60million.


  Anyone who buys it, however, will be hoping for better luck than the owners of the famous deep blue Hope Diamond. It supposedly puts a curse on those who possess it, as the guillotined Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette discovered.



  Blue diamonds get their colour from **all amounts of the chemical element boron trapped in their crystal structure. The more ‘blue’ it is, the greater the value. They are the rarest diamonds after red, which are almost never found.



  The Cullinan mine is recognised as the most important diamond mine in the world. It is famous for producing the world’s largest white diamond, the 3,106-carat Cullinan Diamond, which was found in 1905.


标签: 世界 最大 值钱

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